Tips For Success How do you persist when you aren't having the success you want?
- Look at your motivation.
Why do you want to play golf? Your desire to play golf has to be great enough to carry you through the ups and downs of the learning process.
- Remember that humans learn by taking action.
Experience gives us feedback. Use what works and discard what doesn't.
- Accept that there is no secret to learning golf quickly.
- Becoming impatient with your improvement will sabotage your progress. Find a golf professional that you relate to who will help you develop a solid swing. Don't switch from one pro to another as this will impede your progress.
- Take responsibility for your game.
To improve, it is necessary to take regular lessons, practice, and work on your mental game.
- Remember that discipline is remembering what it is you really want.
Believe in your goal. When you encounter adversity, be disciplined enough to remember your goal to get you back on track. Like life, golf has its good days and bad days. Learn about yourself and your golf game from the "off" days, and enjoy the days when you are successful.
- When the "wheels come off", release tension build-up by deep abdominal breathing and thinking about something pleasant.
Use realistic positive affirming statements and empowering images about yourself and what you can accomplish.
- Remember that the game is played one shot at a time.
Whether practicing or playing, give every shot the same amount of preparation as if it is the only shot you will hit that day. Reinforce your good shots by "feeling" your success. Learn from your missed shots.
by Joan A. King, Sports Hypnotist of PositiveMentalImagery
Tips For Success